There's a productive day and then there's a time-blocked day. 👊🏼
When I started implementing time-blocking into my schedule, it CHANGED the game. I no longer felt foggy and frazzled and was able to be a lot more productive.
I began by using my Google Calendar, and making sure that every meeting I had was scheduled the week before (if it wasn't already there). From there, in all of the open time slots, I scheduled tasks that I needed to accomplish that day. That way, my calendar reminds me each day of what I should be working on -- so I'm not getting side-tracked.
On my calendar, I make sure to color-code my time-blocks. Meetings are pink, each client has a separate color, professional development is green, etc. This helps me, visually, to see where I'm spending most of my time.
PRO TIP: Schedule down time into your blocks. Want to make sure you take a walk each day? Schedule 1 hour around lunchtime to make sure you stick to your plan.
What is Time Blocking? Time Blocking is the act of setting your daily schedule up In blocks, or chunks, of time so that you know exactly what you need to get done that day.
Why does it work? 🧠 Our brains can only make so many decisions a day without turning to mush. Being intentional about how you work during the day allows you feel more clear-minded, creative, and calm.
How do I do it? I found this really awesome article that explains more about how you can integrate time blocking into your daily schedule.