Let's face it: email is an important part of building your business. Did you know? When you receive someone's email address they are about four times more likely to purchase something from you. Talk about a return on your investment.
But what exactly do you send to your list? Don't leave your potential customers hanging. Here are three email sequences you should start building today .
Welcome Sequence
A welcome sequence is the MOST important email sequence you can have. This sequence of 5-7 emails ensures that anyone new knows exactly who you are, what you do, and why they should work with you.
A basic welcome sequence includes an introductory email - usually sent automatically once someone signs up for your email list - social proof emails (proving why your products or services RULE!), and connection emails (stories from you and former clients that tug on those heart strings).
After the initial email is sent, each subsequent email sends about 1-2 days after, one at a time, until the sequence is over. In all, your welcome sequence will last between 10-14 days.
Event Sequence
Event sequences, sometimes called drive-to-register sequences, include driving your list to register for an event and then delighting them with a follow-up after the event. A good rule of thumb is to start marketing for online events 2 weeks in advance and in-person events 4 weeks in advance.
It's important to drop in peoples' inboxes more frequently as the event approaches, and then twice after the event is over. The first drop in after the event includes materials you promised the share with them. The second email can include an upsell - basically an offer you think they'd be interested in based on their attendance at the event.
Launch Sequence
When launching a new product, it is important to involve your email list in the fun! A good rule of thumb is to email them three weeks out, two weeks out, one week out, and then every day of your "open cart" period.
If your product is available indefinitely, it's still important to send emails the first week of its availability so your list knows it's available, what it includes, and why they need it.
Ultimately, all of these sequences are frameworks that you can use to build something that aligns with your business and clientele. Remember, creating anything cookie-cutter or from-the-box won't feel right to your audience -- you've got to find what works for you and then stick with it.
Need help figuring out how to set up your own email sequence? Grab a spot on my calendar for a free 15-minute coaching session!