Do you ever find yourself doom-scrolling on Instagram and falling into the comparison trap?
Lately, everywhere I look another online business guru is touting their 6-figure year and sharing their ambitious “take-over-the-world” goals for 2023. Let me preface this by saying, if that's your jam, by all means don't let me stop you.
But, behind all the smoke and mirrors, I can't help but wonder if all of this shouting is really doing anything.
It feels highly competitive and, honestly, hyper-masculine.
And while there is a time and a place for drive, motivation, ambition, and assertion – there is also a time and a place for softness, intention, balance and flow.
Which is why I decided that I'm taking February off from providing any services in my business.
It might feel shocking – I know I've had my fair share of resistance to this since making the decision – but it's what I need.
You see, it's only when we take the time to slow down and reflect on how far we've come that we can find some clarity in order to move forward.
So I'm taking a cue from Kapha season and slowing down for 28 days. During this time, I'll be journaling, reading, reflecting, and dreaming. Consider it the incubation period.
Most importantly, I'll be tapping into and more intentionally integrating what brings me joy. As a Generator, I know that in order for my business to work I need to fill my days with things that “light me up”.
I'm hopeful that taking this time away will renew the love I have for this beautiful business I've been cultivating and give me a MILLION ideas for how to serve you better in the year ahead.
Pssstt… while my books are closed in February, I still have a number of free resources on my website that you can check out! Visit the Energetics Learning Library for free workbooks, guides, and masterclass recordings that you can consume at your leisure.
If you'd like to schedule an Astrology Reading for March, you can find more information on that here.