do you feel overwhelmed at the mere thought of planning in your biz?
I get it. It's easy to get caught in the day-to-day operations of owning a business and then BAM, we've got two weeks (or less!) left in the quarter (or 😱😱😱 the year!!!) and all of a sudden you're freaking out because there's no WAY you can keep working like this, barely keeping you head above water...
Before you spiral too far, stop and ask yourself: "How would I feel knowing that I am moving into the next quarter with a clear vision and a solid plan for what I want to accomplish and how to get there?"
A clear plan to implement revenue-generating activities on the most abundant days!
Confidence to launch your new products or services on the days with the most supportive energy.
Less guilt knowing in advance when you might need to rest or take a break, according to the cosmos.

One of the MOST important things you can create for your business at a high-level is a yearly and quarterly strategic plan. This will give you the guidance you need to make sure you're making the right decisions, at the right times, for the right reasons.
Also — you know me — I couldn't just come at this from a business perspective.
Through the power of Astrology, we can also look at the year ahead to see what themes might be coming up for you and how you can move with the energy, rather than fighting against it.
Are you curious yet? Or do you want to keep reading? .... asking for a friend...
a better, more holistic way to plan for the next year in your business!
I know what you're thinking. What is a Stellar Strategy Session? Let's just say this ain't your grandma's business planning session (Or, maybe your grandma loves astrology. In that case, can I adopt her? 🙃)

One (1) 90-minute prerecorded session where I'll discuss your unique chart and how it will be impacted in the coming year.

One (1) Interactive Energetics Calendar with journaling prompts for all of the major monthly transits!

One (1) Customized Notion Template to use for Quarterly Planning (plus access to 12+ customizable spreadsheets)
If you're thinking...
Without something like this, I'm not going to do any sort of high-level planning and then I'll be left in the same position I've been in for the last 5 years.
I feel frustrated when I launch a new offer when there is friction or resistance ... why won't people just buy from me?
I always get stuck in the day-to-day fires of running a business and find myself far askew from my long-term vision
A Stellar Strategy Session is exactly what you need! Don't get caught halfway through another year in your business before you take stock of the direction you *actually* want to be moving in.
Set aside 90 MINUTES of your time to figure out what the cosmos has in store for you (through your Astrology transits) and how to create a plan that honors that energy and works WITH it in your business.

how I practice
I have been studying Astrology since 2017 and have experienced a number of different practicing styles.
Through trial and error, I have landed on a style I like to call "strengths-based Astrology".
Strengths-based Astrology focuses on all aspects, transits, and placements through the lens of a strengths-based approach, allowing the reader to see what might be considered a "negative" energy as an opportunity for growth.
the goal of this session is for you to:
Create guardrails to use throughout the year to check-in and make sure you're moving in the right direction
Feel "in flow" for longer periods of time and experience more ease and fulfillment in your business
Confidently make decisions with more clarity and feel a strong sense of what's right and not right for your business
Look, if you're anything like me you probably don't take nearly enough time to zoom out and work on your long-term goals. I get it.
Butttt, when you do take that time — even if it's just a few hours — it can change the trajectory of your business and allow you to navigate burn out, boundaries, and balance in new and exciting ways.
So, what do you say? Are you in? (That was a rhetorical question. I know I don't need to convince you.)

Angela E.
I was really blown away by how much I learned about myself and the way energetics impact me.
This session was insightful in many ways. It's a unique and personal approach to goal setting for your business. You are able to tailor your business goals based on what directly impacts you versus what others tell you to do. That's empowering!

Melissa K.
This is a requirement for planning out the year- and what has been the missing piece for running my business.
Without cosmic guidance (and expert knowledge from Meaghan to interpret it) and a tangible plan to follow, I felt like I was always winging it. I'm going into 2024 the most prepared I've ever been and excited for all the posibilities!
frequently asked questions
Sometimes your birth time is unknown. Unfortunately, if you do not know your exact birth time, I cannot do an accurate astrology reading for you. Luckily, there are a few things you can do!
1. Ask your parent(s) if they know what time you were born, if that is possible.
2. Contact the hospital you were born at and ask for a birth certificate with your time of birth.
3. Contact your city or town hall and request a detailed birth record.
If you would really like to have a reading and cannot find your time of birth, we can do what is called a "best guess" reading. I will ask you some preliminary questions in order to get a "best guess" on your ascendant and time of birth. Unfortunately, this chart will not be 100% accurate, but it can still give you some good insight!