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Ever wanted to carry a coach in your pocket to reach out to for advice or support whenever you needed it?

Why not try...


Pocket coaching



(ok, but really, here's more context...)



... what a novel concept 🤔

Have you ever thought of a million-dollar idea, but then the voice in your head said "hmm, I really wish I could just talk this out with someone..."

POCKET COACHING is just that!

The opportunity to quickly pull your phone out of your [too-tiny-because-we're-women-and-let's-not-even-get-started] pocket, send a quick text or voice message and start a conversation that can quickly bring you clarity and ease!

which coaching package works for you?

Services Description


Pocket Coaching

A 3-month asynchronous coaching container that includes:

  • A 60-minute Opening Call to discuss your goals

  • A private voice chat and text channel

  • Mon-Fri office hours for "live" voice coaching

  • A personalized Notion Hub

  • Access to dozens of organizational resources

Investment: $300


Pocket Coaching +

All the perks of pocket coaching, plus:

  • A monthly 60min live Zoom session to discuss your goals and receive personalized feedback

  • Free membership inside the Venusian Society (a $100 value!)

Investment: $500

Lauren M.

Having something for Meaghan to react to each week moved the conversation forward and now


...I have a mountain of great material and resources at my disposal!

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more than just coaching...

In addition to business coaching, you'll receive energetic and mindset coaching.

During our onboarding session, we'l take a look at your Astrology and Human Design charts—and your Ayurvedic constitution—to see what your strengths are, how to best support you in your work, and how to create structures and systems that will make the most of your unique energetic signature.

You work differently from the next entrepreneur. You deserve a coach who will take the time to get to know you and push you to actualize your dreams in a way that honors your energy, plays to your strengths, and supports your goals.


how I practice

I have been studying Astrology since 2017 and have experienced a number of different practicing styles.

Through trial and error, I have landed on a style I like to call "strengths-based Astrology".

Strengths-based Astrology focuses on all aspects, transits, and placements through the lens of a strengths-based approach, allowing the reader to see what might be considered a "negative" energy as an opportunity for growth, rather than an excuse for falling into victimhood.


Shannon H.

I was able to walk away from each coaching session with valuable information and immediate action steps.


Meaghan, you are awesome and I am forever grateful!

The Stars

One last chance...

Fill out the form below to apply for Pocket Coaching today. Let's get you moving in the direction of those goals and dreams!!



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